WP EasyCart Pricing

Get the top eCommerce plugin for WordPress with WP EasyCart. Choose the WP EasyCart pricing that is best for you. PRO includes all the core features to sell online with WordPress. Premium includes our PRO system PLUS mobile apps and extensions to grow your WordPress shopping cart.



PRO Cart Plugin

All Core Features

Multi-Year Savings!

$69.00/ Year*

Buy Multi-Year License and Save!
*As low as $69/Year

** 0% application fees

Premium Cart Plugin

PRO + Apps + Premium Extensions

October Sale 15% Off

Coupon Code: SPOOKY2024

$89.00/ Year*

Buy Multi-Year License and Save!
*As low as $89/Year

** 0% application fees

Free Plugin

Find on WordPress.org



Free Version Available
2% Fees Apply

** Includes 2% application fees

* Pricing is based on lowest price with a 5 year license length. Licenses are one-time purchases, not subscriptions, and must be manually renewed prior to license expiration at the current renewal rate. Purchase multi-year licenses to lock in the current pricing and discount.

Common WP EasyCart Pricing Questions

No! You may start a new trial on any WordPress website by installing WP EasyCart and clicking the “start trial” feature within WP EasyCart.

No. Extensions are only available with a premium WP EasyCart license.

No. You must be a licensed user to get personalized support for the WP EasyCart. We offer docs, videos, and a forum for free users that can help with most questions you may have.

We offer support to all licensed users, during business hours. We can help with any questions you may have, but it is up to you to choose the options best for your business.

This is a replacement for WooCommerce, not an extension of it. You may import products from Woo, but will need to replace products, accounts, and the cart with WP EasyCart.

Yes. you will need a business plan though to install the plugin.

Yes! WP EasyCart does not require your theme to do anything to work with us. Just install the plugin and follow the guide to get set up and selling!

No. You must renew your license yearly. This puts you in control of how long you want to use WP EasyCart without the feature of forgetting about an upcoming charge.

Yes. We offer a 14 day, no questions asked refund window. If you are not happy with the product, let us know and we will happily refund your purchase. Please review our full refund policy for questions outside the standard 14 day window.

Ready to start selling with WP EasyCart?

WP EasyCart Demo Shops

Try it Out. We Know You'll Love It.

Molla Theme Demo

Enfold Theme Demo

Customer WordPress Reviews

Everyone Loves Great Shopping Cart Support!

EasyCart BEST Inclusive eSales Plugin!
EasyCart BEST Inclusive eSales Plugin!
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... WP EasyCart plugin comes more complete than any other I’ve tested! THIS is a high quality plugin. The included features blow the competition away; but for the money spent, it is worth it’s weight in GOLD for the A++ support you receive when needed!

I’ve had more time to upload my items for my shop and venture in to POD items, too! All thanks to WP EasyCart and the team that’s behind the plugin! I’m 100% Team EasyCart!

Read Full Review
Better than WooCommerce, with money-saving tracking integrations built-in!
Better than WooCommerce, with money-saving tracking integrations built-in!
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As someone who previously used WooCommerce and spent a LOT of money on additional plugins to run a successful store, I have been absolutely blown away from by WP EasyCart.

They offer built-in Google Analytics and Ads tracking for e-commerce (previously I had to pay for MonsterInsights for the same feature), as well as Facebook Tracking Pixel integration (goodbye to that horrible, site-slowing plugin by Facebook, who’s developer team doesn’t even fix known deduplication bugs that cause reporting errors).


Given the excellent customer support reviews I have read, and the beautiful plugin I have had the time to explore (with excellent documentation, I might add!), I am looking forward highly to publishing this change from WooCommerce to WP EasyCart live from my staging site. Thanks guys!

Read Full Review
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We were on the verge of giving up until we found this wonderfully comprehensive plugin!

Tried nearly everything including woocommerce, which was impossible to configure and get working, never mind the myriad other paid plugins needed to do anything!

Not so with EasyCart (PRIME version). This one does it all. Haven’t found a thing we couldn’t easily get done, displayed the way we wanted, etc.

There are hundreds of things you can do to customize your page(s) and cart, and it takes literally seconds to do it.

And the best part? When you can’t find a setting or exactly how to accomplish a task, the TECH SUPPORT you get (via email) is absolutely unbeatable. Every inquiry was answered within an hour (business hours)!


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Risk Free eCommerce

14 Day Free Trial. 14 Day No-Risk Refund.

Try it out, its free! Purchase and change your mind, no problem!

Compare All Features


Payment Gateways
Stripe Payments*
Square Payments*
PayPal Payments*
Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay
PayPal Standard
Amazon Pay
iDEAL (with Stripe + Euros)
PayPal Pro & Payments Pro
Customer Reviews
Specials Widget
Donation Product Type
Invoice Product Type
Gift Card Product Type
Download Product Type
Subscription Product Type
DecoNetwork Product Type
Inquiry Product Type
Seasonal Product Type
List on Google Merchant Advanced Features
Restrict Product by User Role
Product Images by Selected Option
Quantity Tracking by Option(s)
Minimum Quantity Requirements
Maximum Quantity Restrictions
Login for Pricing
Custom Price Range
Volume Pricing
B2B (User Role) Pricing
Advanced Options / Form Style Product
Unlimited Options per Product
Featured Products
Basic SEO by Product
Advanced SEO with Yoast
Tiered Menu System
Unlimited Categories / Product Groups
Enable / Disable Shipping by Product
Exclude Product from Shipping Calculation
Enable / Disable Backorders by Product
Custom Handling Costs by Product
Enable / Disable Tax and VAT by Product
Description & Specification Tabs
Unlimited Tabs to Describe Product
Custom Order Complete Content
Inventory Automated Notifications (admin)
Inventory Automated Notifications (customer)
Product Display - Enable/Disable Any Feature
Shopify Import
SquareUp Import
OSCommerce Import
WooCommerce Import
Advanced Product Filtering
Product CSV Export
Edit Order Details
Add / Edit Order Line Items
Refund Orders from Admin
Resend Email Receipt
View Order as Customer
Send Order Shipped Email
Print Admin Receipt
Print Packing Slip
Order History Log
Bulk Print Packing Slips
Bulk Print Email Receipts
Bulk Order Shipped Email Sending
Bulk Order Status Update
Order Quick View
Advanced Order Filtering
Order CSV Export
Customize Order Statuses
Manage Subscriptions
Add / Update Users
Exclude User from Tax / Shipping
Assign User Roles to Apps
Manage Subscribers
Custom User Roles
Bulk Force Password Update
User CSV Import
User CSV Export
Basic Coupons
Shipping Coupons
BOGO Coupons
Basic Promotions
Shipping Promotions
BOGO Promotions
Gift Card Sales & Redemptions
Abandoned Cart Stats
Abandoned Cart Automated Emails
Static Shipping Methods
Price Trigger Shipping Rates
Weight Trigger Shipping Rates
Quantity Trigger Shipping Rates
Percentage Shipping Rates
Shipping Zones
USPS Live Shipping Rates
UPS Live Shipping Rates
FedEx Live Shipping Rates
DHL Live Shipping Rates
Canada Post Live Rates
Australia Post Live Rates
Tax by State
Tax by Country
Duty Rates
VAT Included / Excluded Rates
GST Tax Rates
Canada Advanced Tax Rules
TaxCloud Automated Taxes (USA)
VATLayer Validation (EU/GB)
Advanced Features
Multi-Currency Display Support
Tips / Gratuity
Google Recaptcha
Google Analytics
Google Adwords
Google Merchant
Facebook Pixel Integration
Amazon S3 for Downloads
Multi Language / Language Switcher
Customize or Add Language
Full Admin Translation (default or custom)
Developer Hooks & Filters
Developer Cart Custom Templates
Facebook & Instagram Product Feed
Quickbooks for Desktop PC
MailChimp eCommerce
Groupon Importer (Bulk Coupon Import)
BlueCheck Age Verification
Mandrill Email
AffiliateWP Product Pricing
WP EasyCart Extra Tabs
Desktop App (Windows & Mac)
iPhone App
iPad App
Android App
Device Push Notifications (admin)







Compare All Features


Payment Gateways

Stripe, Square, and PayPal*

PRO & Premium:
30+ Payment Gateways
Apple Pay, Amazon Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, and iDEAL
View Complete List


Customer reviews, basic quantity features, product importers, and other basic features.

PRO & Premium:
Donations, invoice, gift card, downloads, subscriptions, inquiry, and seaosonal products.

Login for pricing, volume pricing, B2B pricing, and advanced option pricing.

Inventory notifications, unlimited options, and option item images.

Read More


Send order shipped and order receipt emails. Customize and update order statuses. Print packing slips or receipts.

PRO & Premium:
Edit order data, including line items, billing, shipping, order totals, and more. Refund orders directly from the admin and apps.


Add users and update their information.

PRO & Premium:
Create custom user roles and assign them. Excludes users from tax or shipping and assign user roles to app access.


Manage subscribers and users.

PRO & Premium:
Create three different key types of coupons and promotions. Manage, sell, and redeem gift cards. Review abandoned cart stats and setup abandoned cart email automation.


Setup static, price triggers, weight triggers, quantity triggers, or shipping zones.

PRO & Premium:
Create live shipping rates with USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, Canada Post, or Australia Post. Nearly unlimited combinations to get your shipping setup just right.


Sales Tax by State, Country, or Global. VAT included / excluded and by country or business rate. Australia GST and Canadian tax rates as well.

PRO & Premium:
TaxCloud for automated taxes in the USA and VATLayer for validation in the EU/GB

Advanced Features

Multi currency and language support. Google Recaptcha, Analytics, Ads, and Merchant.

PRO & Premium:
Facebook Pixel integration and Amazon S3 for downloads. Developer hooks, filters, and cart custom templates all available upon request.


No Extensions

Facebook & Instagram
Quickbooks for Desktop PC
MailChimp eCommerce
Groupon Importer (Bulk Coupon Import)
BlueCheck Age Verification
Mandrill Email
AffiliateWP Product Pricing
WP EasyCart Extra Tabs


No Apps

Desktop App (Windows & Mac)
iPhone App
iPad App
Android App
Order Push Notifications

* Free version adds 2% application fees for all Stripe, Square, and PayPal payments.